
Week two continued...

My brother, who was my original inspiration to start the Paleo way of life, shared this video with me that has some great insight into the benefits of eating naturally- from the perspective of a gorilla. Sounds a little crazy, but we're all related-- Please check it out.

Also, I want to address the issue of starting the Paleo at 100% versus a gradual adaptation. To be honest, I started the Paleo with the intentions of doing it 100% all the time-- however, (as noted in my last post) our cravings and weaknesses often get in the way. I have to say that I can't blame myself or anyone else who falls back every now and then... after all, most of grew up eating processed food, no matter what the good intentions of our parents might have been. So yeah, going at it slowly at first, I think that's just fine. Because this isn't my first rodeo with the Paleo, I'm going 100%, but I think that it is definitely a lifestyle change that comes with gradual adaptation. The founder of the Paleo encourages participants to go at it full speed to really see the benefits, and if you can do it-- your are my hero. It has taken me time, but I'm getting there and I'm seeing the benefits.

What I've noticed only a few days back on track after the Texas food massacre:
  • Skin is clearing up
  • Belly fat reduction (seriously)
  • Less of a desire to eat the bad stuff, and increase of the good

1 comment:

  1. That video, and this little project of yours, are good motivators for me. I just can't give up bread...but the belly fat reduction--ooh man.
